mandag 24. desember 2012

Sweet Pea Stamps - Sailor Boy

Hello and merry christmas!

Today I made a card using a Sweet Pea Stamp, it is called Sailor Boy and he is so cute!

The image is colored with Pro markers

Somer stickles ofc :

...and some bling...

 So what do u think? I think it was fun to make something else than chrismas for once :P
Speaking of christmas this is me (in black) and my sister decorating the chritsmas tree :)
So fun!

Well, have a still good christmas and thanks for looking on my blog :)

søndag 9. desember 2012

Sweet Pea Stamps - Were We Met


Today I have a canvas for you. It is kinda miniature, but I think it is cute. I was not to happy with the way it turned out, but whatever. We live and learn right?

The letters are cutted out using a big shot an tim holtz's One Upon A Time

Image colored with Promarkers

So what do you think?
Thanks for looking on my blog and have a good day ;)


torsdag 6. desember 2012

Sweet Pea Stamp sale


I just wanted to share an amazing sale going on over at Sweet Pea Stamp right now. You can get some amazing stamps for just 1-2$. I just made an haul there (like two weeks ago) and i recived it today. IT IS OVER 60 STAMPS!!! OMG I LOOOVE THEM! I will post a post of them later if you want.

So you should go over there right now and I can guarantee that you will fall in love with them right away!

Love Kirsten